Saturday, June 13, 2009

Zoobilation 2009! BEST OF THE BEST WINNER!

Last night I worked our booth at the Zoobilation 2009 event (this year's theme was "A Night On Dragon Island"...logo pictured above made entirely out of cupcakes freehand by Cara- a BIG hit). We had so much fun and WON AGAIN. Last year, we snagged "Best of the Best" for our Red Velvet Elvis cupcake. This year we entered our Kimodo Keylime Cupcake and took home the blue ribbon for "Best of the Best" again. Thank you to the entire staff....especially GiGi, Jackie, Cara, and Sam (and Double Down and the Big Ragoo) for all of their hard work to make the night a huge hit! I loved the Tiki Huts which are made from giant cupcakes. The girls actually put hula skirts on Snow White and one of the dwarfs which made people laugh all night. I also must say that we had a few drinks and some amazing food from many of the seventy restuarants and caterers present. We met so many nice (and drunk) people who share our enthusiasm for good free food!
We are so thankful to be a part of such a prestigious and charitable event. Thank you, Indianapolis Zoo!

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